Pay is based on a salary scale and is distributed monthly by direct deposit on the last working day of the month.
Health Insurance
The School Board provides eligible employees with a health insurance plan which complies with all federal and state laws or regulations. The School Board covers 100% of the employee premium. The employee is responsible for paying the premium for all other family members. Health Plan Information
Dental Insurance
The School Board covers $10.00 toward the employee premium. The employee is responsible for paying the premium for all other family members. Health Plan Information
Vision Insurance
The School Board provides a vision insurance plan. The employee is responsible for paying 100% of the premium. Health Plan Information
Sick Days
Full time employees will earn 1 sick day per contracted month to be used in conjunction with School Board Policy.
10 month employees - 10 sick days per year
11 month employees - 11 sick days per year
12 month employees - 12 sick days per year
If you were previously employed by an accredited school system in Virginia and have sick leave remaining with your previous employer, Highland County Public Schools will accept a transfer of up to 60 days. Sick Leave Transfer Form
An employee of Highland County Public Schools may accumulate a maximum of 100 sick leave days. If at the end of a school year an employee has exceeded the 100 day maximum, the employee will be paid $20 per day for each day exceeding 100 days.
Personal Days
All full time 10 and 11 month employees will be granted three (3) personal leave days per contract year. If any persal leave days remain at the end of a contract year, two (2) of the unused personal leave days will be carried forward to the next contract year, for a maximum number of five (5) personal days. All 10 and 11 month employees may accumulate a maximum of five (5) personal leave days. Each unused personal leave exceeding two (2) days at the end of a contract year shall be converted and carried forward as a sick day.
Bereavement Leave
An employee of Highland County Public Schools may request bereavement leave of three (3) days upon the death of an immediate family member. Immediate family members of an employee shall be interpreted to include a parent, spouse, sibling, or child.
Vacation Days
12 days per year of vacation leave is available to all full-time 12 month employees. An employee of Highland County Public Schools may accumulate a maximum of 40 vacation leave days. If at the end of a school year an employee has exceeded the 40 day maximum, the employee will be paid their daily rate of pay for the current contract year for each day exceeding 40 days.
The Virginia Retirement System provides retirement benefits for professional and support personnel working a minimum of 30 hours per week. All eligible employees must be members of the Virginia Retirement System. Employee retirement benefits are governed by the rules and regulations established by the Virginia Retirement System.
Basic Group Life Insurance
The School Board pays for group term life insurance equal to twice your annual salary rounded to the next highest thousand to those covered under the Virginia Retirement System. For more details, visit the Virginia Retirement System website.
Health Insurance Credit
Through the Virginia Retirement System (VRS), the Health Insurance Credit helps offset the cost of health insurance premiums for eligible retirees. The credit is a dollar amount determined by the General Assembly for each year of service. It is added to your monthly retirement benefit but cannot exceed the amount of your individual health insurance premium. The credit ends upon your death and is non-transferable.
You may qualify if you meet one of the following criteria:
✔ Retiring with 15 or more years of service credit from an eligible employer.
✔ Retiring on disability.
✔ Receiving a long-term disability benefit through the Virginia Sickness and Disability Program (VSDP) or the Virginia Local Disability Program (VLDP) (if your employer participates in the Health Insurance Credit).
For more details, visit the Virginia Retirement System website.