Equal Access for All - Proposed Policy JB-1 The policy will be discussed at our School Board Meeting on August 12, 2021. Dr. Schott would like to hear your feedback prior to Thursday's meeting. Email your comments to tschott@highland.k12.va.us Policy: https://5il.co/wo7l
over 3 years ago, Highland County Public Schools
Equal Access for All
School Board Meeting Thursday, August 12, 2021 - 7:00pm @ Cafeteria Meeting ID w/ Video https://meet.google.com/yrf-hudy-sqc Phone Numbers w/o Video ‪(US) +1 740-952-0489‬ PIN: ‪740 715 764‬#
over 3 years ago, Highland County Public Schools
Summer Food Pick-Up Weekly - Tuesday 3-5pm Last Food Pick-Up: Tuesday, August 24, 2021 from 3-5pm. "It has been a pleasure serving you all through the summer months and we look forward to seeing you in the Cafeteria this coming school year."
over 3 years ago, Highland County Public Schools
Summer Meals
Employment Opportunities @ HCPS -Elementary Secretary -4th Grade Teacher -Part-Time Elementary Reading Instructional Aide -Part-Time Elementary Title 1 Math Instructional Aide Apply Now! Applications can be found online at https://www.highland.k12.va.us/Page/50
over 3 years ago, Highland County Public Schools
Elementary Secretary
4th Grade Teacher
Title I Math Aide
Reading Aide
Attention HHS Fall Athletes, We are excited about fall sports beginning very soon. Please make sure you have a VHSL physical completed prior to the first day of practice. Contact your local health provider to schedule a sports physical. Sports physical forms can be picked up in the HHS main office or downloaded from the VHSL website. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_7KGbWzA0LxcFRrOXZqQVNjdm8/view?resourcekey=0-fuQNTGft-y7OJ3RDLoIoVw Volleyball practice begins on Monday, August 2nd at 9 AM and Cross Country begins on Tuesday, August 3rd at 1 PM. Please contact Coaches Cindy Wood or Mike Warf with specific questions.
over 3 years ago, Highland County Public Schools
Fall Sports Update
For Community Review: Find our ESSER Plan here! If you have comments about this plan, please email Dr. Schott at tschott@highland.k12.va.us
over 3 years ago, Highland County Public Schools
Apply Now! Elementary Secretary 12 Month Position Pay determined by the Secretary Salary Scale Microsoft and Accounting Skills Preferred
over 3 years ago, Highland County Public Schools
Elementary Secretary
Now Hiring! 4th Grade Teacher Begins August 23, 2021 Pay determined by teacher salary scale Applicant should be eligible for a Professional Teaching License Applications can be found online at https://www.highland.k12.va.us/Page/50
over 3 years ago, Highland County Public Schools
4th Grade Teacher
Attention: The School Board Meeting for tonight at 7:00pm has been moved to the HHS Library. You may park in our parking lot as normal and enter through the High School doors.
over 3 years ago, Highland County Public Schools
Attention Summer School Students & Parents! The HCPS parking lot will be closed form July 12-16 for resurfacing. Please use the driveway (pool entrance) from Route 220 to enter the school through the playground gate. Staff will be there to direct your student to the elementary entrance (north entrance). Students will also be located at the playground gate for pickup at 12:30pm. Thank you for your assistance and understanding. There will be no food pickup available on July 13th due to the parking lot closure. Food pickup will resume on July 20th 3:00pm – 5:00pm. As a reminder, students will attend summer school until August 5th on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday each week from 8:30am – 12:30pm.
over 3 years ago, Highland County Public Schools
School Board Meeting Monday, July 12, 2021 - 7:00pm @ Cafeteria Meeting ID w/ Video meet.google.com/kjr-yntw-wbu  Phone Numbers w/o Video (‪US‬)+1 302-440-5259‬ PIN: ‪924 117 427#‬ Agenda: https://5il.co/v0i5
over 3 years ago, Highland County Public Schools
Tonight's (6/29/21 7:00pm) School Board Close-Out Meeting has been moved to the High School Library.
over 3 years ago, Highland County Public Schools
Today’s (6/29/21 3pm-5pm) food pickup parents will need to enter through the fairgrounds to reach the back of the school due to construction.
over 3 years ago, Highland County Public Schools
HCPS will be integrating to a new website. Our website will be down from Wednesday, June 30, 2021 until mid-July 2021. The URL will remain the same. Sorry for the inconvenience.
over 3 years ago, Highland County Public Schools
School Board Meeting Close-Out Meeting Tuesday, June 29, 2021 - 7:00pm @ Cafeteria Meeting ID w/ Video meet.google.com/reo-muvk-sjf Phone Number w/o Video (‪US‬)+1 442-900-4300‬ PIN: ‪403 510 948#‬
over 3 years ago, Highland County Public Schools
June 29, 2021 Close Out Meeting
As of May 28, 2021, the capacity limits have been lifted, but masks are required at school events. Therefore, our graduation ceremony will be open to the public on Saturday, June 12, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. in the Highland High School Gym. The Class of 2021 would like to invite family, friends and community members to attend this special occasion and celebrate their accomplishments on June 12. If you have had COVID-like symptoms or have been exposed to someone with COVID, we ask that you stay home and join us virtually. The virtual link can be found on our website and Facebook page. As a reminder, all in attendance must wear a mask.
almost 4 years ago, Gary Lane
This is a test post!
almost 4 years ago, Highland County Public Schools